Friday, June 25, 2010

World Cup

I have on and off watched the world cup but since I started work this week my co-workers have gotten me more into...not that they have really done anything just watched it and so I joined in and I kind of love it. The other night though my roommate's sister showed me this video and I love it, I think it is cute. It made me smile! Enjoy!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

A little sketch!

So I know I haven't posted in a while but I'm home and I haven't been to the dentist in two years so I went today and they had to refill a hole in one of my fillings and they didn't numb me they just used this sand thing so my mouth and throat were pretty dry for a while after but when I got home I decided to go for a run and as I was running all I could think about was how it was a bad idea because my mouth was SO dry and I needed some water so I ran by these sketchy gardeners a couple times and the second time one of them held out an ICE COLD bottle of water for me. And I mean I ice cold, frosted bottle and sweat dripping off of it because of the heat outside (can you see it, remember my sandpaper mouth?!)

So I took it, maybe not the smartest idea but it was bottle it couldn't be that bad. So I run a few feet and decide to crack that baby open and get some of that into my mouth/throat. I tun the lid and no little cracks of plastic breaking open. Uh oh! a refilled, used bottle of water from some randoms I don't even know. I thought for about 2 seconds about whether I should drink it or not...

And then I partook! It was so delicious and I'm here to tell the story so...therefore THANK YOU kind men!!!!