Monday, August 16, 2010

You never know a good thing till its gone

This weekend consisted of cleaning, packing, unpacking, and more cleaning. Actually I have pretty much been doing all of that for a week and it is extremely exhausting but all I have left is unpacking my kitchen stuff. BTW...I moved!

Moving is not an enjoyable experience, you have to pack everything up, haul it somewhere else, and then unpack and find places for thing. All the while usually cursing yourself for having so much CRAP. Yet as I was unpacking I was happy, it was fun to put everything away and think of all the times in the next couple weeks when I would open the wrong drawer not knowing where anything is. Then over the months this place that is so new and unfamiliar becomes home, becomes the norm, I'm excited for all of my new experiences and the lessons I will learn here. As I look back on this last year I was sad to leave my old place, I learned so much in that apartment and experienced so many good and bad times.

So as I sit here very contemplative trying to put on massive amounts of lotion to heal my cracked hands from being in cleaning products for 4 straight days I look forward to the unknown and embrace it with open arms.

And looking forward to...
3:50 pm when I get to pick my mama up from the airport! I love education week (not really but I do love that my mom comes!!!)


  1. Britt where did you move to? I'm in Condo Row now.

  2. I'm in the avenues. I'm still basically in the same place but just moved to a different apartment complex. Condo Row is way fun! We need to play!
