Monday, September 14, 2009

My Lack of...FASHION!!

I know so many of you are thinking that its impossible and believe me, three years ago I would be right there with ya but the unthinkable has happened! Haha! ;)

As I was walking to class with Bri today we were discussing our wardrobes and how pathetic they are. Bri has told me a couple of times lately that she realizes that we REALLY need new clothes because she has never liked her clothes but she could always find something in my longer. She is even tire of my clothes. It is really sad when someone else gets tired of wearing your clothes and they can't find anything in your FULL closet to wear...its just kind of depressing. She brought up a good point. This is the first year and I didn't get back to school clothes. It is depressing to go to school and not have new clothes. I realize that it is time for me to grow up and its not like adults get back to work clothes (mostly because there is no "back to work"...its just work). Nevertheless I am a little depressed about it. I wish I didn't care about a higher education and could just spend all my money on looking FABULOUS! Haha...not really...but sometimes! I can't wait for it to get a little colder and be able to pull out some of my OLD sweaters and feel like I got new clothes! :) It POURED today so I think it is coming soon!

ALSO! Hawaii in 9 days! YAY!


  1. Yeah, I remember when I stopped getting new clothes for school, it is really sad. Anyways, I loved reading all your stories (falling asleep in the temple, etc). I'm glad I have some way of keeping up with what's going on with you! Did you guys hire a new secretary? What's going on with everybody at work? That's REALLY exciting that you get to go to Hawaii! I am so jealous!!

  2. Leslie! Friend! I miss you so much! TMCB 158 is just not the same without you! I am so glad you like reading about how ridiculous I am! :) Me and Laurie discussed today how you should post more, we want to hear more about your life!

    We did hire a new secretary, Tricia can't work much now that school is in. Her name is Crystal, she is good. Still new, learning the ropes and there is a lot to learn. Everyone at work is good. The office is COMPLETELY different. It is crazy, you would be shocked if you saw it. I was the first time!

    How are you? How is Edmonton? Is it cold? Are you working? (we're playing 20 questions)

    I am so excited about Hawaii! I can't even tell you! It is going to be so nice. I am going to miss a week of school but oh only live once!

    email me: so we can talk about really private things that I don't want my whole list of blog followers to read! lol!
