Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Change...or lack thereof!

This post is dedicated to my mother. This is a look at what my desk looks like. Lets count 1, 2...5 water bottles all containing perfectly good water. I was picking up my room today because it hasn't really been messy since I moved but last night was a little crazy sleep, which is for another time. As I was cleaning I was thinking about how much I have grown up because I have made my bed everyday for quite a while and I have been really proud of myself. And then I picked up a few water bottles that were empty and threw them in the trash and then I looked over at my desk and saw this and just chuckled to myself about how nothing has really changed! Growing up I always had SO MANY cups of half drunken in my room along with all of the house. It drove my mother CRAZY! So here you go mom, it's all the same!

1 comment:

  1. Oh My Goodness!! That is so funny! And now I just miss you and wish you were here with me with all of the water glasses everywhere! I love you and miss you so much. You are right though...things don't really change that much :)
