Thursday, October 22, 2009

The BIG 1-3

So this is my 50th blog post...I figured it deserved a little something special...or I guess a little something special deserved it! So here is to my favorite red headed brotha!

This month is such a special one,
it's birthday time for you!
I'd really like to celebrate this happy day with you!
Zipp-a-dy A and Heidi-ho
there's something we must to.....
We'll sing a song that we all know.....
Happy Birthday
TO YOU!!!!

Happy 13th Aaron!

(this picture was last summer so it really isn't up to date but I think he is so cute here....not really what a 13 year old boy wants to hear but its ok I don't think he reads blogs anyways! But look at his RED hair and all is freckles...such a cute boy!)

1 comment:

  1. This is so cute!!! I will show him tonight! I love him...he is so ackward though...I don't know how to speak boy. I am trying though...
