Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Such is Life

I am really not a fan of working full time. I am however a fan of money and ya know...not starving to death and stuff like that. I am very grateful for my job, especially in the country's economic situation, but I really don't like working full time. It is my last week before school starts and I go back to just 20 hours a week. I have never really been excited for school to start but I am right now. I am going to be less busy when school starts...crazy! Only 3 more days of full time work (for at least 8 months)! Yay!

On another note. This weekend I got pretty much moved in. I have a few more boxes to unpack and some organizing to do. Hopefully all of that will get done today! As soon as everything is pretty much done there will be pictures! :) Everything is coming together very nicely!!


  1. Working isn't the best kind of fun that is for sure!!! I LOVE your new blog background and header...Super Cute!! Love Ya!

  2. Thanks I really like it too! I'm kind of proud of myself!

  3. How do you do those cute headers?! I'm always jealous of everyone's, but I don't know how to do it! Is it something on your computer, or is it a website? Either way, yours is super cute! And I'm happy for you to almost be done! I'm so impressed you did that all summer! :)

  4. Well I got this one from shabbyblogs.com and then you just add the picture...I did mine in publisher...but I just made my own that will hopefully be up soon and I just downloaded some free scrapbook stuff and then put it all together.
