Friday, August 28, 2009


Yesterday Bri and I decided to go to the temple and there was some funny things that happened that somewhat disrupted the sacred reverence in that holy place. I did my best to laugh silently and at time had tears running down my face.
To paint you a picture:
1. Bri and I get our jumpsuits and the Provo temple is so busy that they always run out of our sizes. I am not a fan of short ones so they always give me ones that aren't short but I guess the women just gave Bri hers this time. I walk out from my stall and I see her and immediately all I see is a big Samoan man. Her jumpsuit is not only so big I could have fit in there with her but it comes up to about mid-calf! I could not stop laughing...she look so funny. When we sad down it went to about her knees! Hahahahahaha.....
2. So then we are in the confirmation room and suddenly I am exhausted and I can barely hold my eyes open. I sit down and about 10 minutes in I am STRUGGLING! I am like half asleep and half awake but I can't open my eyes (it wasn't good). And all of the sudden I start to fall sideways, and I make this really weird moan/sigh sound. OMG...all I could think about was how loud it was and how embarrassing that was. I could not stop laughing at myself THAT is so embarrassing. I finally got over it and just couldn't do anything but read while I was waiting because I would start to laugh hysterically.
3. A girl that was in the confirmation room with us came out later and sat next to me and asked me if I fell asleep and told me that it cracked her up and she couldn't stop laughing...then I felt really bad for disrupting every one's peace in the temple. I am horrible.
4. After I do my baptisms I rinse off and then I go to my locker where apparently I picked the wrong one and it was broken I sat in my stall for like a good 2 minutes trying to get my locker unlocked and the whole time all I could think about was the fact that I was going to have to go home in my towel but then I finally got it open.

Moral of the story: Get enough rest before you go to the temple! :)


  1. I just about died laughing just now. Your story was the funniest thing i have heard in a while i am not even going to lie. Thanks for that :) Love ya

  2. You are so funny!!! That cracks me up! You have a gift to be able to fall asleep so easily...sometimes a gift sometimes a curse!
