Friday, June 12, 2009

For the Love of Cookies!

My roommate Stephanie works for a company called RISE where she works with foster kids, she is assigned a child and spends time with her. Yesterday they planned on going swimming but the pool they were supposed to go to in Salt Lake kind of fell through so I suggested that they come to our pool at our apartment complex. She thought that was a great idea and was telling me about how she wanted to do more stuff with her here but it so hard because she lives in Salt Lake so that is two trips to Salt Lake in one day. I told her that I would come home from work and measure out stuff to make cookies and have it ready for them when they got back from swimming if she wanted. She was very excited about this and eagerly said she would love that. I didn't get any pictures of us actually making the cookies but I got some set up pictures!
The little girl was so excited to make cookies she thought it was great especially when I told her she could mix it with her hands! We made cookies and at them of course, then they watched some of Hairspray and I went to the gym and then me and Steph took her back home. This little girl was so sweet I can't imagine the life she has had, and despite all of that she was happy, a very typical 11 year old girl (who LOVES Zac Effron lol). She made me SO appreciate my family and all of its dysfunctionalities! So I just want ALL of my family to know how grateful I am for them and that I love them!

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